Just Buy It. Great value for the money. Seems decently sturdy but we shall see how it holds up. The hardware is organized efficiently so its harder to get things mixed up. Its more time consuming than Id hoped for. Moving at a leisure pace, it took me a few hours possibly even close to 4. The worst part of the tons of little plastic pieces to attach. It was worth it ultimately. Super cute frame and the faux leather makes it look classy and more expensive.
Just Buy It. Great value for the money. Seems decently sturdy but we shall see how it holds up. The hardware is organized efficiently so its harder to get things mixed up. Its more time consuming than Id hoped for. Moving at a leisure pace, it took me a few hours possibly even close to 4. The worst part of the tons of little plastic pieces to attach. It was worth it ultimately. Super cute frame and the faux leather makes it look classy and more expensive.