My 6 yr old daughter asked to upgrade from her race car bed to something more age appropriate she really wanted a loft bed and I really didnt want something so high. This is the perfect height. The bed is sturdy, the gray color is really nice. My husband assembled rather quickly with his drill. I bought a 6 inch memory foam mattress from Walmart to make sure she had enough rail to keep her and all her pillows and stuffed animals contained. The space under the bed has become a fun fort too. Overall its everything I was looking for and I have zero complaints. Nice looking.
6 yr old loves it
My 6 yr old daughter asked to upgrade from her race car bed to something more age appropriate she really wanted a loft bed and I really didnt want something so high. This is the perfect height. The bed is sturdy, the gray color is really nice. My husband assembled rather quickly with his drill. I bought a 6 inch memory foam mattress from Walmart to make sure she had enough rail to keep her and all her pillows and stuffed animals contained. The space under the bed has become a fun fort too. Overall its everything I was looking for and I have zero complaints. Nice looking.