Went together easily, plenty sturdy. We bought this for our tween daughter and she loves it, though it supports adults, too. Love that we could adjust the height for her thicker mattress. I thought it would creak a lot, but it doesnt at all. Id recommend some adhesive non slip pads for the legs if its going to be sitting on a hard floor. Until we bought some, it would slide around on our pergo floors. The finish is smooth and thick, i dont expect any peeling or chips. Better directions.
Solid, easy to assemble, looks good. Good deal.
Went together easily, plenty sturdy. We bought this for our tween daughter and she loves it, though it supports adults, too. Love that we could adjust the height for her thicker mattress. I thought it would creak a lot, but it doesnt at all. Id recommend some adhesive non slip pads for the legs if its going to be sitting on a hard floor. Until we bought some, it would slide around on our pergo floors. The finish is smooth and thick, i dont expect any peeling or chips. Better directions.