This bed came with all pieces, was easy to assemble and perfect for a toddler bed! I added lights and the same mattress we have on our king bed, it may be thicker and taller than a thinner memory foam mattress but it works well and we love it. I love how this bed frame is an actual frame and the mattress isn’t sitting on the floor, but it is just barely off the floor and still very low. The addition of the risers to add later is wonderful to have. It’s sturdy and so adorable!
Perfect toddler bed!
This bed came with all pieces, was easy to assemble and perfect for a toddler bed! I added lights and the same mattress we have on our king bed, it may be thicker and taller than a thinner memory foam mattress but it works well and we love it. I love how this bed frame is an actual frame and the mattress isn’t sitting on the floor, but it is just barely off the floor and still very low. The addition of the risers to add later is wonderful to have. It’s sturdy and so adorable!