It’s an ok quality but for the money I expected better. the bunk we bought my son was much sturdier and it was real wood. It wasn’t much more than this bed and if I had know the quality of this bed wasn’t up to par.... I would’ve purchased the same brand as my sons.
Some of the holes were drilled in the right location and we had a couple bolts that had flat heads with no notches and no way to screw them in.
This bed would be better if it was a little cheaper in cost.
Quality vs cost
It’s an ok quality but for the money I expected better. the bunk we bought my son was much sturdier and it was real wood. It wasn’t much more than this bed and if I had know the quality of this bed wasn’t up to par.... I would’ve purchased the same brand as my sons. Some of the holes were drilled in the right location and we had a couple bolts that had flat heads with no notches and no way to screw them in. This bed would be better if it was a little cheaper in cost.