This is a really well/designed and manufactured product.
Despite some complaints in reviews by others about the difficulty of assembly, or the stability of the bed, I found that: all the parts were there (they even provided extra bolts and other small parts), the pieces lined up well for bolting together, the bed looked better than it did online. I have a suggestion for those assembling the bed. Try to get a little longer allen wrench than the one provided, because some of the bolts are difficult to get tight, and this will improve leverage. At the same time be careful with a longer allen wrench that you use common sense when tightening. I believe that Im also going to try to find or manufacture a brace that will attached to the wall studs to make sure that the wall side (in our case a long side) cannot rise up when someone comes up the ladder. As it is now, there is no problem, but I can see that in reality, if my son or a friend is on the bed and the other person tries to climb up (against the warnings by the manufacturer), it could be possible to tip the bed. Beautiful and Sturdy.
This is a really well/designed and manufactured product.
Despite some complaints in reviews by others about the difficulty of assembly, or the stability of the bed, I found that: all the parts were there (they even provided extra bolts and other small parts), the pieces lined up well for bolting together, the bed looked better than it did online. I have a suggestion for those assembling the bed. Try to get a little longer allen wrench than the one provided, because some of the bolts are difficult to get tight, and this will improve leverage. At the same time be careful with a longer allen wrench that you use common sense when tightening. I believe that Im also going to try to find or manufacture a brace that will attached to the wall studs to make sure that the wall side (in our case a long side) cannot rise up when someone comes up the ladder. As it is now, there is no problem, but I can see that in reality, if my son or a friend is on the bed and the other person tries to climb up (against the warnings by the manufacturer), it could be possible to tip the bed. Beautiful and Sturdy.