Super easy to assemble, long enough to lay on (Im 6ft) but not too comfortable to hang out on for a long period of time. When the box arrived I started laughing, wondering how a couch could possibly fit in there. But it was innovatively packaged, took less than 10 minutes to assemble by myself and I think that for the price, it has a very rich look. We bought it for my husbands office, along with other furniture to create a small living room, and it has become the hang out. And the couch is totally holding up to the wear and tear of them. Great buy and would buy again.
Nice looking and easy to assemble
Super easy to assemble, long enough to lay on (Im 6ft) but not too comfortable to hang out on for a long period of time. When the box arrived I started laughing, wondering how a couch could possibly fit in there. But it was innovatively packaged, took less than 10 minutes to assemble by myself and I think that for the price, it has a very rich look. We bought it for my husbands office, along with other furniture to create a small living room, and it has become the hang out. And the couch is totally holding up to the wear and tear of them. Great buy and would buy again.