A very simple design, easy to assemble, and incredibly sturdy. I bought this for a 90-pound memory foam queen mattress and was worried it wouldnt be durable enough to hold it. After nearly 3 months, this frame is incredibly solid and Im very happy with the purchase. The only thing I dont like about this frame are the middle support legs on either side of the bed. I tend to stub my toes on them all the time. Other than that one small issue, this frame is great and Id recommend it to anyone.
Easy to assemble, sturdy, and looks nice
A very simple design, easy to assemble, and incredibly sturdy. I bought this for a 90-pound memory foam queen mattress and was worried it wouldnt be durable enough to hold it. After nearly 3 months, this frame is incredibly solid and Im very happy with the purchase. The only thing I dont like about this frame are the middle support legs on either side of the bed. I tend to stub my toes on them all the time. Other than that one small issue, this frame is great and Id recommend it to anyone.