The bed is extremely sturdy and better than i expected. It was pretty easy to put together and there are velcro straps to keep the boards from sliding back and forth. This is really a quality bed. Ive had it for about a month and it is awesome. It does not have much room. The color is a little more red than i expected, i wish it came in a darker wood so it would match the rest of my furniture but thats a minor issue.
Best bed
The bed is extremely sturdy and better than i expected. It was pretty easy to put together and there are velcro straps to keep the boards from sliding back and forth. This is really a quality bed. Ive had it for about a month and it is awesome. It does not have much room. The color is a little more red than i expected, i wish it came in a darker wood so it would match the rest of my furniture but thats a minor issue.