Very easy to assemble, but will go faster with two people. It took between 20 and 30 minutes to complete. Frame is sturdy. We are happy with the height of the platform.
For a different bed we had used a metal frame. This one provides good support without cutting into the mattress or slipping. It also looks vey nice compared to the metal frame on our guest bed. We will likely buy another next year to replace the metal frame on our guest bwi.
Nic looking and easy assembly
Very easy to assemble, but will go faster with two people. It took between 20 and 30 minutes to complete. Frame is sturdy. We are happy with the height of the platform. For a different bed we had used a metal frame. This one provides good support without cutting into the mattress or slipping. It also looks vey nice compared to the metal frame on our guest bed. We will likely buy another next year to replace the metal frame on our guest bwi.