Perfect for our 5th wheel! Not a perfect color match for our furniture, but serves our purpose. I was pleasantly surprised by this product. I thought it was going to be less sturdy than it was when I received it. The craftsmanship on my unit was really good. I was worried about that after reading some of the reviews before I made my purchase. The sides were quite sturdy! It was exactly what I was looking for for our 5th wheel. It folds up quickly for travel, nice size capacity to hide bed pillows, my coffee mug can sit firmly on it in between the pillow buttons, and you can put your feet up on it. Perfect for our intent and the price I paid. I would not use this ottoman as a functioning toy box for young children. I think the sides would cave in quickly from children trying to lean over the sides to retrieve toys. I wish it came in a darker brown, though.
Love this product for our 5th wheel!
Perfect for our 5th wheel! Not a perfect color match for our furniture, but serves our purpose. I was pleasantly surprised by this product. I thought it was going to be less sturdy than it was when I received it. The craftsmanship on my unit was really good. I was worried about that after reading some of the reviews before I made my purchase. The sides were quite sturdy! It was exactly what I was looking for for our 5th wheel. It folds up quickly for travel, nice size capacity to hide bed pillows, my coffee mug can sit firmly on it in between the pillow buttons, and you can put your feet up on it. Perfect for our intent and the price I paid. I would not use this ottoman as a functioning toy box for young children. I think the sides would cave in quickly from children trying to lean over the sides to retrieve toys. I wish it came in a darker brown, though.