I love this bed. I bought it for my daughter (16yrs). It is just like described. It is pretty easy to put together and instructions are easy to read. The only tool for assembly is a L wrenchsuper easy. This was a good buy. All pieces were in the package and it was packed well as not to receive any damaged pieces. Im really glad I purchased this item. The price is good and the quality is great! Assembled Quickly.
Cutest bed ever!
I love this bed. I bought it for my daughter (16yrs). It is just like described. It is pretty easy to put together and instructions are easy to read. The only tool for assembly is a L wrenchsuper easy. This was a good buy. All pieces were in the package and it was packed well as not to receive any damaged pieces. Im really glad I purchased this item. The price is good and the quality is great! Assembled Quickly.