This is a very good design, very easy to assemble.
I have assembled a lot of furniture items, some very difficult to assemble. This is a very good design, very easy to assemble. No tools!. The top, with the drawer is shipped assembled. Turn it upside and screw in the legs, each with a threaded screw to fit a threaded insert in the top. Lay the shelf on the legs (still with the top on the floor) and screw in the short legs. It works great! Thank you!
This is a very good design, very easy to assemble.
I have assembled a lot of furniture items, some very difficult to assemble. This is a very good design, very easy to assemble. No tools!. The top, with the drawer is shipped assembled. Turn it upside and screw in the legs, each with a threaded screw to fit a threaded insert in the top. Lay the shelf on the legs (still with the top on the floor) and screw in the short legs. It works great! Thank you!