Very good quality and the bed was easy to assemble
As expected. Very good quality and the bed was easy to assemble. It was a little higher than I thought it would be, so my 2 year old daughter struggles a little to climb in (We have an 8 mattress). She did roll off the bed on the first night, but thankfully, I had the trundle open so she landed on another mattress and didnt even wake up.
Great buy!
Very good quality and the bed was easy to assemble
As expected. Very good quality and the bed was easy to assemble. It was a little higher than I thought it would be, so my 2 year old daughter struggles a little to climb in (We have an 8 mattress). She did roll off the bed on the first night, but thankfully, I had the trundle open so she landed on another mattress and didnt even wake up. Great buy!