I was apprehensive about ordering a dining chair without having sat on it but ordered anyway. I was surprised to find these to be very sturdy and attractive. The blue upholstery is described as flannelette but is in fact a short-napped velvet with very little shine and looks like a more expensive cotton velvet. They also did a very good job with the legs-the painted metal will definitely fool you from even just a few feet away and in a room you would be hard-pressed to tell that they arent wood. The bases are a sturdy X-shape and do have a front and a back due to the curve of the seat so line them up before starting to screw them in. Overall Im thrilled that I took a chance on these.
Pleasantly Surprised!
I was apprehensive about ordering a dining chair without having sat on it but ordered anyway. I was surprised to find these to be very sturdy and attractive. The blue upholstery is described as flannelette but is in fact a short-napped velvet with very little shine and looks like a more expensive cotton velvet. They also did a very good job with the legs-the painted metal will definitely fool you from even just a few feet away and in a room you would be hard-pressed to tell that they arent wood. The bases are a sturdy X-shape and do have a front and a back due to the curve of the seat so line them up before starting to screw them in. Overall Im thrilled that I took a chance on these.