We purchased this loveseat bench as a seat solution for our hand built dining room table for our 3 year old toddler. She was too big for a high chair, and hates booster seats as she feels like they are for babies. We had a heck of a time keeping her seated in a normal chair as she couldnt reach the table, and would tip them due to how lightweight they are. This is perfect as she can get in and out whenever she desires, and its tall enough to reach the table, and it looks good in our kitchen. Be aware, its a tough one man job as you kind of struggle to bolt the back on, but once you can get both ends bolted, the rest are easy. I am very pleased so far
Hard to assemble but perfect for what we needed
We purchased this loveseat bench as a seat solution for our hand built dining room table for our 3 year old toddler. She was too big for a high chair, and hates booster seats as she feels like they are for babies. We had a heck of a time keeping her seated in a normal chair as she couldnt reach the table, and would tip them due to how lightweight they are. This is perfect as she can get in and out whenever she desires, and its tall enough to reach the table, and it looks good in our kitchen. Be aware, its a tough one man job as you kind of struggle to bolt the back on, but once you can get both ends bolted, the rest are easy. I am very pleased so far