Purchased for my 7 year old daughter who shares a room with her 2 year old brother. His crib fits perfectly below this! It was easy enough to put together, just read the directions and follow them as they say and youre good. It took my dad and I about an hour to assemble. We tightened every screw once it was up and it does not squeak at all! OH, and the mint color is gorgeous! Works well.
It was easy enough to put together
Purchased for my 7 year old daughter who shares a room with her 2 year old brother. His crib fits perfectly below this! It was easy enough to put together, just read the directions and follow them as they say and youre good. It took my dad and I about an hour to assemble. We tightened every screw once it was up and it does not squeak at all! OH, and the mint color is gorgeous! Works well.