Overall I felt like the Trampoline was easy to assemble myself with my 10 year old helping. Took about an hour and a half. That being said, there are a few misprints in the instructions that left me going bonkers for a few minutes until logic and common sense took over. The saddest part though was once we had everything ready to go and got the mat all hooked up, there was a hole in the center where it had been folded. I have reached out to customer care 3 times, waiting on a response. If their exchange process is easy (once I get a hold of someone) then I will update. It will be disappointing if I have to send the mat back (with the rest of the tramp set up) then wait for them to send me a new mat after they receive it. So could be looking at a few weeks of tramp with no mat in the yard :-( It also looks like I may be charged for outgoing parts, so hoping that is not the case either. Ill update once I know more!
Easy Assemble, Hole in Mat
Overall I felt like the Trampoline was easy to assemble myself with my 10 year old helping. Took about an hour and a half. That being said, there are a few misprints in the instructions that left me going bonkers for a few minutes until logic and common sense took over. The saddest part though was once we had everything ready to go and got the mat all hooked up, there was a hole in the center where it had been folded. I have reached out to customer care 3 times, waiting on a response. If their exchange process is easy (once I get a hold of someone) then I will update. It will be disappointing if I have to send the mat back (with the rest of the tramp set up) then wait for them to send me a new mat after they receive it. So could be looking at a few weeks of tramp with no mat in the yard :-( It also looks like I may be charged for outgoing parts, so hoping that is not the case either. Ill update once I know more!