Beautiful piece of furniture but it could have been a little sturdier and it needs depth. I large dinner plate cannot hold inside because it is not deep enough so the door could not be closed. However, it is perfect for small items. I love it but the price is too high for the quality. I could have gotten a much better quality in my area for less money. Everyone that comes to my apartment encouraged me to return it but I wont, instead I will keep it and find use for it.
The design is excellent but quality is poor
Beautiful piece of furniture but it could have been a little sturdier and it needs depth. I large dinner plate cannot hold inside because it is not deep enough so the door could not be closed. However, it is perfect for small items. I love it but the price is too high for the quality. I could have gotten a much better quality in my area for less money. Everyone that comes to my apartment encouraged me to return it but I wont, instead I will keep it and find use for it.