The table is fantastic, it looks great.
Its also very sturdy, no brain to assemble and size wise is perfect.
The only problem was the height. I liked it so much that I didnt want to return it, so I fixed it by myself.
As you can see from the pictures I cut 1 inch each leg to make it shorter. Now its perfect for me, but Im just surprised nobody mentioned that.
So keep that in mind highly disappointed!!!
It looks great, but its too tall
The table is fantastic, it looks great. Its also very sturdy, no brain to assemble and size wise is perfect. The only problem was the height. I liked it so much that I didnt want to return it, so I fixed it by myself. As you can see from the pictures I cut 1 inch each leg to make it shorter. Now its perfect for me, but Im just surprised nobody mentioned that. So keep that in mind highly disappointed!!!