This box came inside of another box, and the main portion of the chair was wrapped in a plastic thin wrapping. The legs of the chair were wrapped in a kind of Soft bubble wrap. Nothing was dented or even scuffed. It looked very nice. When I opened the box it was easy to get out and remove and put together, it only took a total of 4 minutes. It comes in two pieces: the bottom square portion and then the top.
The velvet portion is very nice, looks like the photos. It’s a pretty comfortable chair. The legs are more of a brown gold than a shiny gold, I don’t necessarily know if the color goes with the velvet Jasper color. The legs have rounded black rubber bottoms so that it won’t scratch up the floor and also so it won’t move if you have hardwood floor. But this chair is nice nonetheless and look beautiful. I’d say it’s 10/10 on comfort and 10/10 on packaging. It’s not a heavy packaging rather, it’s actually a pretty light box though the appearance of the big box it comes in gives you the impression it would be heavy but it’s not.
Great quality
This box came inside of another box, and the main portion of the chair was wrapped in a plastic thin wrapping. The legs of the chair were wrapped in a kind of Soft bubble wrap. Nothing was dented or even scuffed. It looked very nice. When I opened the box it was easy to get out and remove and put together, it only took a total of 4 minutes. It comes in two pieces: the bottom square portion and then the top. The velvet portion is very nice, looks like the photos. It’s a pretty comfortable chair. The legs are more of a brown gold than a shiny gold, I don’t necessarily know if the color goes with the velvet Jasper color. The legs have rounded black rubber bottoms so that it won’t scratch up the floor and also so it won’t move if you have hardwood floor. But this chair is nice nonetheless and look beautiful. I’d say it’s 10/10 on comfort and 10/10 on packaging. It’s not a heavy packaging rather, it’s actually a pretty light box though the appearance of the big box it comes in gives you the impression it would be heavy but it’s not.