Update: The company sent replacement hardware about one week after delivery. The chair was very easy to assemble and is extremely comfortable. The leather is very soft so Im not sure how durable it will be with regular wear and tear. Wheels around smoothly and lumbar ergonomics are great.
The quality of the chair looks great, but the packaging from the company arrived in shambles. I am missing all of the screws, washers, bolts and wrenches that were supposed to be supplied. Ive called, emailed, and filled out forms to get to just send me these parts and I havent heard from them. Hoping to get these parts and will update my review accordingly if I can ever assemble this chair.
Stylish and comfortable
Update: The company sent replacement hardware about one week after delivery. The chair was very easy to assemble and is extremely comfortable. The leather is very soft so Im not sure how durable it will be with regular wear and tear. Wheels around smoothly and lumbar ergonomics are great. The quality of the chair looks great, but the packaging from the company arrived in shambles. I am missing all of the screws, washers, bolts and wrenches that were supposed to be supplied. Ive called, emailed, and filled out forms to get to just send me these parts and I havent heard from them. Hoping to get these parts and will update my review accordingly if I can ever assemble this chair.