So far so good! Looks great and feels sturdy The bed arrived pretty quickly, sooner than expected actually. It was due to arrive on a Thursday, we got it on a Monday. The bed is super sturdy. Well-made for the price! It is a beautiful bed and we are all happy with it, especially my girls. The headboard is like a vinyl cloth, not leather, not super soft like cloth, and I actually like that because it provides a layer of protection, in my opinion being of a tougher material. Its very good quality. Its a gorgeous off white or beige material. The bed did come with tiny chip on the right side of the headboard, most likely in transit but its so minor It doesnt even affect the overall beauty or even its use. Perfect for our midcentury-vintage modern redo of our girls room. Buy this bed, it is so worth it.
Beautiful, Sturdy, Quality, Worth buying.
So far so good! Looks great and feels sturdy The bed arrived pretty quickly, sooner than expected actually. It was due to arrive on a Thursday, we got it on a Monday. The bed is super sturdy. Well-made for the price! It is a beautiful bed and we are all happy with it, especially my girls. The headboard is like a vinyl cloth, not leather, not super soft like cloth, and I actually like that because it provides a layer of protection, in my opinion being of a tougher material. Its very good quality. Its a gorgeous off white or beige material. The bed did come with tiny chip on the right side of the headboard, most likely in transit but its so minor It doesnt even affect the overall beauty or even its use. Perfect for our midcentury-vintage modern redo of our girls room. Buy this bed, it is so worth it.