Easy to assemble. Very sturdy. Bought these seats with the intended purpose of not taking up too much space in a hallway. They are cute with a nice, rich color. They go well with an arcade cocktail cabinet we had purchased. The seats are rarely sat in for more than a hour. The comfort is just fine but I probably wouldnt sit in them for much longer than that. The height from the floor is just fine. Same with the backrest. Added a couple of decorative pillows (not pictured) and they look great. Easy, quick assembly (2 minutes).
Cool seats for a specific purpose
Easy to assemble. Very sturdy. Bought these seats with the intended purpose of not taking up too much space in a hallway. They are cute with a nice, rich color. They go well with an arcade cocktail cabinet we had purchased. The seats are rarely sat in for more than a hour. The comfort is just fine but I probably wouldnt sit in them for much longer than that. The height from the floor is just fine. Same with the backrest. Added a couple of decorative pillows (not pictured) and they look great. Easy, quick assembly (2 minutes).