Pretty sturdy. Good size. The couch itself is fine. I ordered it in Laguna and its a beautiful color, sturdy, and attractive. Im writing this review because I paid the additional 20 to have it placed in the room of my choice. The gentlemen who delivered the couch left it in my reception area and told me it was my responsibility to unbox and place in the room I chose. I have a back injury and I dont have the strength, time, or patience for this. Dont waste your 20.
Dont pay the additional 20 for special delivery!
Pretty sturdy. Good size. The couch itself is fine. I ordered it in Laguna and its a beautiful color, sturdy, and attractive. Im writing this review because I paid the additional 20 to have it placed in the room of my choice. The gentlemen who delivered the couch left it in my reception area and told me it was my responsibility to unbox and place in the room I chose. I have a back injury and I dont have the strength, time, or patience for this. Dont waste your 20.