This was a great investment. I would definitely recommend. I purchased for my spare bedroom for when my Granddaughters come over or I have guest.The bed came packed in three different packages but all arrived at the same time. It is very sturdy and easy to put together. My brother came over and helped me put it together, it took about 2 hours and 15 minutes. The parts are large there are not alot of small pieces like some other furniture I have bought. The price was just right for us. Forgot to mention my extra room is not so large so it fit perfect gives me extra space.
My Granddaughters came over and used it already and were very impressed. Totally recommend...
Its really easy to put together and sturdy.
This was a great investment. I would definitely recommend. I purchased for my spare bedroom for when my Granddaughters come over or I have guest.The bed came packed in three different packages but all arrived at the same time. It is very sturdy and easy to put together. My brother came over and helped me put it together, it took about 2 hours and 15 minutes. The parts are large there are not alot of small pieces like some other furniture I have bought. The price was just right for us. Forgot to mention my extra room is not so large so it fit perfect gives me extra space. My Granddaughters came over and used it already and were very impressed. Totally recommend...