The unit seems sturdy, and has a nice finish. Assembly is chging. Requires 2 people, even a third would help. Built 2 of them, and found it is critical to assemble very loosely until all screws are lined up and threaded before tightening down. Otherwise it is easy to think that drillings are not aligned as some have commented. One went together fairly well, the other was chging until we loosened every bolt even more to allow some play for starting final bolts. Construction instructions sufficient, but could be better written, as usual. Would order again. Looks solid, easy to assemble.
Good value.
The unit seems sturdy, and has a nice finish. Assembly is chging. Requires 2 people, even a third would help. Built 2 of them, and found it is critical to assemble very loosely until all screws are lined up and threaded before tightening down. Otherwise it is easy to think that drillings are not aligned as some have commented. One went together fairly well, the other was chging until we loosened every bolt even more to allow some play for starting final bolts. Construction instructions sufficient, but could be better written, as usual. Would order again. Looks solid, easy to assemble.