The rocking chair is sturdy and fairly easy to assemble. I needed to ask someone to help me because the seat cut outs for the slats were not lining up properly. I shaved more off the cutout With a mat knife and then the male ends of the seat went in properly so I could add the screws. A manual tool and drill bit are provided. I used the drill and it went quickly. All screws went in properly and easily. Rocking chair has a nice appearance. I went over it with some armorall / will be much less work than real wood and may outlast me!!!
Great alternative to real wood
The rocking chair is sturdy and fairly easy to assemble. I needed to ask someone to help me because the seat cut outs for the slats were not lining up properly. I shaved more off the cutout With a mat knife and then the male ends of the seat went in properly so I could add the screws. A manual tool and drill bit are provided. I used the drill and it went quickly. All screws went in properly and easily. Rocking chair has a nice appearance. I went over it with some armorall / will be much less work than real wood and may outlast me!!!