Overall very happy with my purchase! Works great in my space. It is very firm, 63 husband finds it comfortable for sitting and working on his laptop or reading. If he were going to nap on it we would need to purchase the matching ottoman. But I am 55 and can nap comfortably on it. The color is a creamy white. It is well constructed and it took my husband about 30 minutes to put it together. One of the legs came scaratched so we installed it in the back. My grandmother finds the seat a little too low for her liking so if you have trouble getting up from low seats, this might not be the best fit for you. I purchased it on another site because it was $250 cheaper there, but Im posting a review here because I use reviews to make so many of my purchases, and hope this will be helpful to someone else.
Love it! Firm, easy to install, great color.
Overall very happy with my purchase! Works great in my space. It is very firm, 63 husband finds it comfortable for sitting and working on his laptop or reading. If he were going to nap on it we would need to purchase the matching ottoman. But I am 55 and can nap comfortably on it. The color is a creamy white. It is well constructed and it took my husband about 30 minutes to put it together. One of the legs came scaratched so we installed it in the back. My grandmother finds the seat a little too low for her liking so if you have trouble getting up from low seats, this might not be the best fit for you. I purchased it on another site because it was $250 cheaper there, but Im posting a review here because I use reviews to make so many of my purchases, and hope this will be helpful to someone else.