Very sturdy. After reading a few reviews about missing parts, I was hesitant to order. Instructions were very clear easy to follow. The box it arrived in was very heavy so it took me, a small female, a while to get it into my house. Adding up the time from getting the box in to assembling, it took maybe two hours. I took my time. It was a breeze quite therapeutic. The frame looks great. I love having two beds in the space of one. I would recommend this to anyone!
Looks great easy to assemble
Very sturdy. After reading a few reviews about missing parts, I was hesitant to order. Instructions were very clear easy to follow. The box it arrived in was very heavy so it took me, a small female, a while to get it into my house. Adding up the time from getting the box in to assembling, it took maybe two hours. I took my time. It was a breeze quite therapeutic. The frame looks great. I love having two beds in the space of one. I would recommend this to anyone!