Overpriced. The bed is sturdy and easy to mount. It is looks good to. This is my 2nd bed, and planning to buy a third one.
However, please check the term of use and limited liability that comes with using the bed. It is in the box when shipped and on the web site as well.
Noteworthy, the conditions required to return the bed, and more importantly, the waiving a trial, in case of litigation.
Good Bed. Ridiculous terms of use
Overpriced. The bed is sturdy and easy to mount. It is looks good to. This is my 2nd bed, and planning to buy a third one. However, please check the term of use and limited liability that comes with using the bed. It is in the box when shipped and on the web site as well. Noteworthy, the conditions required to return the bed, and more importantly, the waiving a trial, in case of litigation.