Assembly was a breeze. My husband and I put this bed together in about an hour. The bed is sturdy and looks great. The shipping box was a little beat up, but the bed was in perfect condition with all the parts included. So far it seems solid. It is lower to the ground than what Im used to, but thats what I wanted. It looks clean and modern, with a little rustic industrial mixed in. This is the second bed Ive bought, and their instructions and ease of assembly are the best!
Acacia wood platform bed
Assembly was a breeze. My husband and I put this bed together in about an hour. The bed is sturdy and looks great. The shipping box was a little beat up, but the bed was in perfect condition with all the parts included. So far it seems solid. It is lower to the ground than what Im used to, but thats what I wanted. It looks clean and modern, with a little rustic industrial mixed in. This is the second bed Ive bought, and their instructions and ease of assembly are the best!