We got this to replace my daughter converted crib queen bed. And it has gone well beyond our expectations for the price. It was delivered within a couple of days and only took my husband about an hour to get it put together. It is low to the ground which is perfect for a tiny person. It doesnt make noise when the kid is moving around in it (huge issue with her last bed) and so far the monsters have moved out of her room since theres no room for them under the mattress!!
Monsters cant live under a platform bed
We got this to replace my daughter converted crib queen bed. And it has gone well beyond our expectations for the price. It was delivered within a couple of days and only took my husband about an hour to get it put together. It is low to the ground which is perfect for a tiny person. It doesnt make noise when the kid is moving around in it (huge issue with her last bed) and so far the monsters have moved out of her room since theres no room for them under the mattress!!