I was disappointed my chair has defaults. I was so excited to receive it but wasnt expecting for it to not to work out. So while I was assembling it the holes didnt match were the screws go and its off on four screws. I really love the quality of the cushion seat and the mesh grey look but I wish I could just get a new one with the right measurements and they can take this one back to see what I mean by screw holes not matching where the arm rest goes and one bottom hole.
Its beautiful just has defaults
I was disappointed my chair has defaults. I was so excited to receive it but wasnt expecting for it to not to work out. So while I was assembling it the holes didnt match were the screws go and its off on four screws. I really love the quality of the cushion seat and the mesh grey look but I wish I could just get a new one with the right measurements and they can take this one back to see what I mean by screw holes not matching where the arm rest goes and one bottom hole.