This table looks great and it is very sturdy for the price point. The table top arrived scratched and I requested a replacement since I had a new table and I wanted it to look new. After a week long wait, the replacement arrived and it was so much more scratched. I ended up returning the replacement and keeping the initial order. However, I still have the table top scratched and now cant send another replacement because it is a delivered by a separate vendor. I only needed the replacement for the table top, legs are totally fine. I dont know if Ill ever get it, but so far it seems like I wont. Too bad, that two order in a row arrived damaged
Great table bur arrived scratched
This table looks great and it is very sturdy for the price point. The table top arrived scratched and I requested a replacement since I had a new table and I wanted it to look new. After a week long wait, the replacement arrived and it was so much more scratched. I ended up returning the replacement and keeping the initial order. However, I still have the table top scratched and now cant send another replacement because it is a delivered by a separate vendor. I only needed the replacement for the table top, legs are totally fine. I dont know if Ill ever get it, but so far it seems like I wont. Too bad, that two order in a row arrived damaged