I was BEYOND excited to get this couch and love seat set but very nervous at the same time being that there were no reviews. Let me tell you, it was worth the risk. It came within 3 days of ordering. The assembly is tedious but with patience and help it was fairly easy. Missing one very small pice is the only thing I didn’t like about it. It’s not the- fell asleep on the couch- type of couch. It’s firm but for casual use it’s perfect. Would NOT want anyone flipping on it or any kids jumping on it. It’s not for that purpose. -Juan’s Wife
Worth it!!
I was BEYOND excited to get this couch and love seat set but very nervous at the same time being that there were no reviews. Let me tell you, it was worth the risk. It came within 3 days of ordering. The assembly is tedious but with patience and help it was fairly easy. Missing one very small pice is the only thing I didn’t like about it. It’s not the- fell asleep on the couch- type of couch. It’s firm but for casual use it’s perfect. Would NOT want anyone flipping on it or any kids jumping on it. It’s not for that purpose. -Juan’s Wife