Great quality mountain bike. It is tall and the tires are a little thicker that my other 2 mountain bikes. I like the improved shimano speed changing handle gears. The manual is for multiple versions of bikes so it can get somewhat confusing when putting together as some parts are already assemble while others are not and the instructions dont include them.large instruction booklet with maintenance tips.
It took be a little over an hour to assemble (and disassemble at times) to finally having a working bike.
Nice color, great quality bike.
Great quality mountain bike. It is tall and the tires are a little thicker that my other 2 mountain bikes. I like the improved shimano speed changing handle gears. The manual is for multiple versions of bikes so it can get somewhat confusing when putting together as some parts are already assemble while others are not and the instructions dont include them.large instruction booklet with maintenance tips. It took be a little over an hour to assemble (and disassemble at times) to finally having a working bike.