Bed was simple enough to assemble, was able to assemble without another person. I did have to use a cooler to hold up one side of the bed since I assembled by myself. My kids love the bed, and it has proven pretty sturdy and hearty. Very little wiggle from top to bottom bed connection. The slats are also great and the mattress we used fits perfectly on the slats without a box spring. This is a great purchase and the stairs are easy to take off if you want to avoid having littles using them to climb. still feels plenty sturdy
Fantastic bed! Great structural soundness
Bed was simple enough to assemble, was able to assemble without another person. I did have to use a cooler to hold up one side of the bed since I assembled by myself. My kids love the bed, and it has proven pretty sturdy and hearty. Very little wiggle from top to bottom bed connection. The slats are also great and the mattress we used fits perfectly on the slats without a box spring. This is a great purchase and the stairs are easy to take off if you want to avoid having littles using them to climb. still feels plenty sturdy