I bought this computer desk for my son. Hes really happy that we got this desk for him. The assembly of the desk was easy and the instruction was straight forward. We got it done in less than an hour. The design of the desk suits quite well to the environment of his room. The desk is very sturdy with all the steel frame. He has to put his computer, printer and other gagets along with all his school works on it. This desk provide extra spaces on the three shelves. That greatly amplify his work station so that he can store more stuffs and work more efficently. All in all, we all agreed that this desk looks fantastic in his room. I really think its a great buy because this desk will be his companion for a good few years till he leaves for college.
Useful table
I bought this computer desk for my son. Hes really happy that we got this desk for him. The assembly of the desk was easy and the instruction was straight forward. We got it done in less than an hour. The design of the desk suits quite well to the environment of his room. The desk is very sturdy with all the steel frame. He has to put his computer, printer and other gagets along with all his school works on it. This desk provide extra spaces on the three shelves. That greatly amplify his work station so that he can store more stuffs and work more efficently. All in all, we all agreed that this desk looks fantastic in his room. I really think its a great buy because this desk will be his companion for a good few years till he leaves for college.