I really love these desks. They are very sturdy - perfect for my sewing tables. I love the panels at the back to conceal cords but due to the nature of shorter cords on sewing machine foot pedals, I could only use them for my power cords. The drawers provide plenty of storage for my manuals and notions. As far as putting them together, it took me (34 yrs/woman) a couple hours per table with no help. The instructions are very well written and easy to follow. At this price point, I couldnt have asked for a better desk.
Sewing tables!
I really love these desks. They are very sturdy - perfect for my sewing tables. I love the panels at the back to conceal cords but due to the nature of shorter cords on sewing machine foot pedals, I could only use them for my power cords. The drawers provide plenty of storage for my manuals and notions. As far as putting them together, it took me (34 yrs/woman) a couple hours per table with no help. The instructions are very well written and easy to follow. At this price point, I couldnt have asked for a better desk.