Packaged beautifully, easy to assemble for this grandma by herself. Too low to put another child underneath/ we tried. Weight limit said 165lbs but it creaked a bit too much with me on it and thats my wt exactly. Ladder is sturdy and comfortable for little feet. This for my 5 yo but my 3 yo has no trouble getting on the top bunk. I have an 8 mattress which I worried would be too tall( over the railings) but it is fine. If this holds up a year Ill probably buy a second one for my younger grandchild. Very cute, looks just like the pictures.
Perfect for under 10 year old
Packaged beautifully, easy to assemble for this grandma by herself. Too low to put another child underneath/ we tried. Weight limit said 165lbs but it creaked a bit too much with me on it and thats my wt exactly. Ladder is sturdy and comfortable for little feet. This for my 5 yo but my 3 yo has no trouble getting on the top bunk. I have an 8 mattress which I worried would be too tall( over the railings) but it is fine. If this holds up a year Ill probably buy a second one for my younger grandchild. Very cute, looks just like the pictures.