Overall I nice product that looks like the picture
is still working through the assembly part. 350 on order but they called and said 800 since it will take 5 hours. It took them 2 and they said they thought it had the side stairs which take a couple hours to assemble. Still it is a little less sturdy than I thought it would be but for the price it is about whati should have expected. Value before assembly is still pretty good. I am so disappointed.
Overall I nice product that looks like the picture
is still working through the assembly part. 350 on order but they called and said 800 since it will take 5 hours. It took them 2 and they said they thought it had the side stairs which take a couple hours to assemble. Still it is a little less sturdy than I thought it would be but for the price it is about whati should have expected. Value before assembly is still pretty good. I am so disappointed.