Incredibly sturdy and well made for the price. Ive been using it for a month and havent heard any creaking or squeaking. It came with clearly labeled hardware and instructions were good. Only thing that confused us is that it seems like the screws went inside based on the picture, but otherwise super easy. Ive gotten metal bed frames on and I could never go back after trying this wood frame. The wood stain is even prettier in person. Cant recommend it enough.
Perfect and well made for the price
Incredibly sturdy and well made for the price. Ive been using it for a month and havent heard any creaking or squeaking. It came with clearly labeled hardware and instructions were good. Only thing that confused us is that it seems like the screws went inside based on the picture, but otherwise super easy. Ive gotten metal bed frames on and I could never go back after trying this wood frame. The wood stain is even prettier in person. Cant recommend it enough.