Bought two great value for the money, durable. I love it! It was fairly easy for me to assemble myself (51 / 20 y/o) although I believe there was a piece or two of hardware missing. Its ok though, because it wasnt detrimental to the structure of the tv stand. It looks gorgeous. We have a 65 TV and it fits perfectly. Plenty of space for a sound bar on the front and a surge protector on the back. Lots of storage in the shelves. I was looking for a tv stand for a few weeks and this was perfect. I Definitely recommend this product!
Bought two great value for the money, durable. I love it! It was fairly easy for me to assemble myself (51 / 20 y/o) although I believe there was a piece or two of hardware missing. Its ok though, because it wasnt detrimental to the structure of the tv stand. It looks gorgeous. We have a 65 TV and it fits perfectly. Plenty of space for a sound bar on the front and a surge protector on the back. Lots of storage in the shelves. I was looking for a tv stand for a few weeks and this was perfect. I Definitely recommend this product!