Meets my needs. I had help moving it into the apartment but managed to assemble it alone. It took quite a while, as the assembly instructions can be a bit confusing, but overall it is still great. It feels really sturdy about 1 month in, definitely an upgrade from foldable metal platform beds. It might be difficult to move because of the side wooden beams that come as two long pieces, but that probably contributed to its sturdiness.
Sturdy and worth the price
Meets my needs. I had help moving it into the apartment but managed to assemble it alone. It took quite a while, as the assembly instructions can be a bit confusing, but overall it is still great. It feels really sturdy about 1 month in, definitely an upgrade from foldable metal platform beds. It might be difficult to move because of the side wooden beams that come as two long pieces, but that probably contributed to its sturdiness.