Pretty good quality and easy enough to assemble. We bought a second one and have them back/to/back and perpendicular to a wall with shoes on one side and stuff on the other side. The only issue is the depth if you have big feet. I wear a 10.5 mens and a few of my shoes dont fit straight in. I have to put them in sideways. If you have larger feet youll definitely have issues. Also, the shelves are not adjustable, so this isnt good for tall boots unless you dont put a shelf in.
Pretty good quality and easy enough to assemble
Pretty good quality and easy enough to assemble. We bought a second one and have them back/to/back and perpendicular to a wall with shoes on one side and stuff on the other side. The only issue is the depth if you have big feet. I wear a 10.5 mens and a few of my shoes dont fit straight in. I have to put them in sideways. If you have larger feet youll definitely have issues. Also, the shelves are not adjustable, so this isnt good for tall boots unless you dont put a shelf in.