The chairs are of very good quality. The color is more gray than the picture shows. In the case of our kitchen it was perfect!
But others should take that into account.
The chairs are of very good quality, but the materials do not seem very resistant, so take this into account in case they are going to be used by people who weigh more than 90 kilos, for example. I dont think these chairs can hold more than that weight for very long.
They are very good!
The chairs are of very good quality. The color is more gray than the picture shows. In the case of our kitchen it was perfect! But others should take that into account. The chairs are of very good quality, but the materials do not seem very resistant, so take this into account in case they are going to be used by people who weigh more than 90 kilos, for example. I dont think these chairs can hold more than that weight for very long.