Once I finally got it, ten days late thanks to the seller and FedEx having a bit of a back and forth, I was happy. Super easy to assemble, only took me ten minutes to put together. I like how everything came inside of the bottom for storage. Thankfully, its pretty sturdy.
Biggest downside is, and obviously for the price youre paying, its just not going to be as comfortable as one would hope. The pillows are great for the back, but the actual cushion is beyond stiff and extremely uncomfortable. For its price, its not bad, but still kind of sucks. It is sturdy and looks beautiful
Once I finally got it, ten days late thanks to the seller and FedEx having a bit of a back and forth, I was happy. Super easy to assemble, only took me ten minutes to put together. I like how everything came inside of the bottom for storage. Thankfully, its pretty sturdy. Biggest downside is, and obviously for the price youre paying, its just not going to be as comfortable as one would hope. The pillows are great for the back, but the actual cushion is beyond stiff and extremely uncomfortable. For its price, its not bad, but still kind of sucks. It is sturdy and looks beautiful