Packaged very well to protect all pieces. All pieces and multiple fasteners also very well labeled to correspond to illustrated instructions for assembly.
The good news is that this is a quality, sturdy, very good looking side/buffet table. The bad news is that (due to multiple parts) it does take a very long time to assemble. But, remarkably, everything lined-up / fastened together very, very, well. The only exception, I had to pre-drill holes to fasten the back piece.
Quality Side/Buffet Table
Packaged very well to protect all pieces. All pieces and multiple fasteners also very well labeled to correspond to illustrated instructions for assembly. The good news is that this is a quality, sturdy, very good looking side/buffet table. The bad news is that (due to multiple parts) it does take a very long time to assemble. But, remarkably, everything lined-up / fastened together very, very, well. The only exception, I had to pre-drill holes to fasten the back piece.