Just purchased and put together yesterday. It was easy to put together by myself and very sturdy. It does slide easily if you have hard floors, so would recommend a rug. Mattress stays in place. I had the most trouble with the very last step: clipping L to F and H. The instructions weren’t clear on how to attach them. I found it most helpful to insert the top of L first and then snap the bottom into place (Could probably get away with skipping this step) Overall, love the look and sturdiness of this bed for the price.
Just purchased and put together yesterday. It was easy to put together by myself and very sturdy. It does slide easily if you have hard floors, so would recommend a rug. Mattress stays in place. I had the most trouble with the very last step: clipping L to F and H. The instructions weren’t clear on how to attach them. I found it most helpful to insert the top of L first and then snap the bottom into place (Could probably get away with skipping this step) Overall, love the look and sturdiness of this bed for the price.